Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just what is FFATA?

FFATA (usually pronounced fuh-FAT-uh) is the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act. Its purpose is to show taxpayers how their federal dollars are being spent. Of course, research grants are one type of federal spending. Research.gov was created to share information on grant spending with the public.

The skinny on USDA grants

USDA's Office of Scientific Quality Review (OSQR) has released a handbook to guide grant applicants in preparing their proposals. It provides nut-and-bolt details about USDA grant format, as well as general proposal-writing advice that is useful to most anyone writing a scientific grant.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

New NIH peer review process to begin

The first changes in the peer review process of the National Institutes of Health will take place in January 2009. Click this link to get details on the changes, as well as a timetable for their implementation